Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Some of our Recent Funnies

Gabriel-5 years  Madalynn- 2 years

Charlie and Gabe went in to Great Falls all by themselves a few weeks ago, when they went to pick up Jessie at the airport. They stopped at Salvation Army to pass some time as they waited for Jessie's plane to arrive and found the coolest find- Nun Chucks.
A few days later- Charlie and Gabe were wrestling. Gabe was able to break free and he rushed the toys grabbed his nun chucks, struck a very ninja like pose; legs spread, knees bent and he turned to Charlie and said," Do you wanna get nun chucked?"

Charlie asked Gabe at dinner time, "Did you eat your salad?" Gabe's response, " Not even close."

One Sunday, I grabbed a pair of black dress socks and handed them to Gabe thinking they were his. He slid them on, pulled them all the way up to his knees ( they were Charlie's ) and said to me,
" Mom, I can't wear these I have a moose dangle." Pointing to the heel of the sock dangling from his calf.

Mady has a difficult time with the "c"sound. Thus she says tookies instead of cookies, and when she's "told" she wants a "toat".

Gabe went to play at a friends house the other day. The first thing he told me when he came home was, "Mom, I had to go poop at their house so I went, and guess what they had no toilet paper. So I had to just pull up my pants." I suggested that he go now and wipe. Up to the bathroom he went and to his horror he had a skidmark. He immediately got in the shower, he can not stand being dirty. I came up to check on him, with my little shadow in tow (Mady). As I was helping him wash his hair, Mady grabbed the dirty chonies brought them to me and showed me the poop stain, exclaiming excitedly,
"CHOCOLATE." Just a side note- she never did touch the chocolate, thank heavens.